"Sick to my stomach watching Putin lay the propagandistic groundwork to invade Ukraine; contrarian thoughts on the role of rational Presidents in foreign affairs (): twitter.com/jsrailton/stat"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Peter Meijer:
"Awful to hear of the passing of our colleague @RepHagedorn. Jim was a kind, hard-working public servant who was passionate about his community. Our prayers are with his beloved wife Jennifer and their family, friends, and team." on Feb. 18Read on Twitter
"And the swirling, astounding hypocrisy around bail crowdfunding is evidence of a truly broken culture: twitter.com/mkhammer/statu" on Feb. 18Read on Twitter
"Bail reform with judicial discretion for minor, nonviolent crimes where accused is unlikely to repeat is sensible. The release of someone who attempted (and nearly succeeded!) in assassinating a politician is absolutely insane and evidence of a truly broken judicial system: twitter.com/kampeas/status" on Feb. 18Read on Twitter