Please take notice that there will be a Regular Meeting of the Board Of Education of the Ionia County Intermediate School District On Thursday, January 13
DKMS is excited to offer an additional opportunity for parents and community members to engage with Principal April Margaritis and members of the DKMS staff.
NOTICE IS hereby given, as provided by Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, that the City Clerk has called a MEETING OF THE OWOSSO CITY ELECTION COMMISSION FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 2022 AT 9:30 A.M.
A public hearing concerning adoption of a Five-Year Parks and Recreation Plan for the City of Belding will be held during the City Council Meeting on January 18, 2022, at 7:00 PM.
All Caro residents, business owners, and stakeholders are invited to come and share ideas and take part in a SWOT Analysis to set goals for the future of Caro!