
SE Grand Rapids News

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Lakewood’s Own Makes a BIG Difference with Small Acts of Kindness


Lakewood Public Schools issued the following announcement on Oct 16.

Lakewood’s Own Makes a BIG Difference with Small Acts of Kindness

“JustServeLakewood” Becomes Contagious

Folks in Lakewood know that doing good can go a long way in reminding others that they are seen, supported, and deeply appreciated.  At a time when the news can be negative, a “JustServeLakewood” movement  began with small acts of kindness, like taking morning coffee to our crossing guards or donuts for our drivers.  A group of eager local collaborators were happy to extend kind gestures which began to infiltrate our schools.  It’s so Lakewood to take generosity a step further.  Donations began to roll in to help with needs in the classroom.  This morning, with full hearts, our educators were the recipients of significant deliveries of needed supplies for classrooms like Kleenex, kinetic sand, headphones, snacks, disinfecting wipes, and more.  If you know Lakewood, you know that unsolicited acts of kindness and generosity remind us of the strength, perseverance, and support that lives here and comes forward just when it's needed.  We can’t thank these Just Serve Lakewood buddies for bringing positivity to our school community who have worked tireless to keep kids learning.  We applaud your acts of encouraging kindness.

Original source can be found here.